The RCIA program/process is also applicable to children ages 8 to 16 who either a) have been baptized (Catholic or Protestant) but were not raised/trained in the Catholic faith, or b) have not been baptized. Please contact Tom Stiff (908-963-2354) for information.
The R.C.I.A. (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) is the process by which a team of parishioners prepares men and women for reception into the Catholic Church. We journey together as we reflect on the Gospels, study Catholic doctrine and get to know each other.
1. An unbaptized person (Jewish, Moslem, Hindu, no faith)
2. A person baptized in another Christian faith (Lutheran, Presbyterian, etc.)
3. A person baptized Catholic, but did not receive First Communion or Confirmation.
1. Inquiry: the introductory stage; a time to probe Catholicism. When the Inquirer reaches the point of initial conversion and wishes to become a Christian, he or she is accepted as a Catechumen by the Church.
2. Catechumenate: a time of nurturing; spiritual and intellectual growth. The Catechumen progresses in faith and is readied for a more intense period of preparation to receive the sacraments of initiation. i.e. Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist. This period concludes with the Rite of Election celebrated at the Cathedral with the Bishop.
3. Purification and Enlightenment: during Lent, the last few weeks of preparation and prayer; leading to reception of the Sacraments at the Easter Vigil.
4. Mystagogy: reflection on experience of the Sacraments; a beginning of full participation at Sunday Mass, spiritual growth and entrance in a fuller way in the life of the Christian community.
Meetings start in mid-September and conclude after Easter at a time and day that is convenient for all.
The first information meetings will be held in August with dates to be announced later. Plan to come with your questions.
No, books and materials are provided at no charge.
Anyone interested in the RCIA program for the 2014-2015 term, should come to one of the information meetings or contact Tom Stiff (908-963-2354) or the parish office (908-766-0079 x0) to register.